Final Session and Expert Roundtable Results: Please review feedback from the final session here and the expert roundtable here.

Program Guide: Access the program guide here.

The FLARE Secretariat is excited to host the 5th annual FLARE meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Join us for a few warm summer days, to collectively reflect on the ways in which FLARE has revealed and produced new knowledge about forests and livelihoods.

Keynote Speakers

Cristina Coc is the director and co-founder of the Julian Cho Society. She has been an activist for Maya Land Rights and forest conservation since 2003, and has worked directly with the Maya villages of Toledo in southern Belize to mobilize for the campaign to secure indigenous land rights. As a Q’eqchi Maya woman she has an intimate knowledge of the issues related to land use and social struggles of the Maya.

David Kaimowitz leads the Ford Foundation‘s work on natural resources and climate change. His grant making has focused on giving poor rural families greater access to and control over forests and other natural resources, with a particular emphasis on indigenous peoples.

Key Dates

February 8: Call for abstracts distributed

May 7: Abstracts and financial assistance requests due *EXTENDED*

May 16: Decision Notifications

May 17 – June 1: Earlybird registration

June 2-July 1: Regular registration period

July 2- August 10: Extended registration for observers

Aug 10-23: Late registration

July 15 (approx.): Draft program shared with participants

July 21 (approx.): Conference room blocks released (book your accommodation early!)

August 15: Paper and presentation submission link sent

August 20: Papers due

August 22: Presentations due

Conference Themes

  • 5 years of FLARE: themes, change, and lessons learned
  • Acknowledging Failure: Learning From Perverse Outcomes and Unintended Feedbacks
  • Beyond the Household: Measuring the Impacts of Forest Change on Communities, Economies, and Ecologies
  • Environmental Ethics, Equity, Justice, and Activism
  • Forests and Livelihoods as Complex Socio-ecological Ecosystems
  • Forests and Livelihoods in the Context of Rural-Urban Transformations
  • Forests and the SDGs
  • Forest Policy Mixes: Trade-Offs and Synergies Between Forest Management Institutions
  • Formality and Informality in Forest-related Livelihoods
  • Gender, Forests, and Livelihoods
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Forest Policies and Interventions
  • Political Instability and Change
  • Sharing Successes in Forest and Livelihood Research and Practice


Full papers: The submission of a full paper is strong encouraged. Submit your paper by August 20. A link will be sent by August 15. Papers should be between 5,000-12,000 words, including references. No specific format or style is required.

Oral, lightning, and pre-organized sessions: Access the presenter guidelines here. The submission of your presentation slides (oral, lightning, and pre-organized sessions) is REQUIRED. Submit your presentation by August 22. A link will be sent by August 15. Presentation guidelines can be found on the meeting webpage.

Posters: Access the poster guidelines here.

Coordination Committee

Arun Agrawal, University of Michigan
Dan Brockington, University of Sheffield
J.T Erbaugh, University of Michigan
Madeleine Fogde, Stockholm Environment Institute
Nicole Gross-Camp, Allegheny College
Malin Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg
Reem Hajjar, Oregon State University
Christian Pilegaard Hansen, University of Copenhagen
Jordi Honey-Roses, University of British Columbia
Pamela Jagger; University of Michigan
Suhyun Jung, University of Michigan
Chuan Liao, Arizona State University
Wenman Liu, University of Michigan
Jens Friis Lund, University of Copenhagen
Francescsa McGrath, University of Michigan
Daniel Miller, UIUC
Rodd Myers, University of East Anglia
Iben Nathan, University of Copenhagen
Pete Newton, University of Colorado at Boulder
Johan Oldekop, University of Manchester
Laura Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen
Ashwin Ravikumar, Amherst College
Rebecca Rutt, University of Copenhagen
Ingrid Stjernquist, Stockholm University
Jonathan Sullivan, University of Michigan
Cristy Watkins, University of Michigan
Sarah Wilson, PARTNERS reforestation network
Jennifer Zavaleta, University of Michigan

Scientific Committee

Krister AnderssonUniversity of Colorado at Boulder
Christopher Barrett, 
Cornell University
Tony Bebbington, 
Clark University
Rosina Bierbaum, 
University of Michigan
Guillermo Castilleja, 
Moore Foundation
Robin Chazdon, 
University of Connecticut
Stanley Dinsi, 
Network For Environment and Sustainable Development-Cameroon
Michael Dove, 
Yale University
Nicole Gross-Camp
Allegheny College
Paul Ferraro, 
Johns Hopkins University
David Kaimowitz, 
Ford Foundation
Eric Lambin, 
Stanford University
Adrian Martin
University of East Anglia
Jan McAlpine, 
International Consultant
Arthur Mugisha
AIMM Green, Uganda
Tuyeni Mwampamba, 
Harini Nagendra, 
Azim Premji University
Robert Nasi. 
Jesse Ribot
American University
Sven Wunder
European Forest Institute