As FLARE celebrates its 10th Anniversary, assessing the past while looking to the future of forests and livelihoods, we invite reflections on these and other questions relating to the theme of “Imagination and Innovation.”

Proposals for the 10th FLARE Annual Meeting are particularly welcome that:

  • Include collaboration between researchers, scientists, government officials, concerned citizens, activists and advocates, business leaders, journalists, and others;
  • Involve early career scholars and practitioners, including in intergenerational partnerships;
  • Are led by scholars from low- and middle- income countries/the Global South;
  • Are holistic in scope, such as full thematic panel or roundtable sessions; and/or that
  • Invite FLARE meeting participants to consider diverse perspectives on the idea of “innovation” and use their imagination in considering the future of forest livelihoods.

Submit your abstract today!

For more information about the 2024 Annual Meeting, please visit the Annual Meeting webpage.