We are pleased to invite your contributions to a special issue (SI) of Forest Policy and Economics on “Current Trends in Forest Livelihoods Research.” This SI is an outcome of discussions at the FLARE meeting in Rome last year and provides an opportunity for you to publish your current research, including work presented at that meeting.

Please see below for additional details. You may email Ida Djenontin (ind5050@psu.edu) or the FLARE Secretariat (flare@nd.edu) with any questions.

Forests are higher on the international policy agenda than they have been for decades, if not ever.  Policy discussions center on the role of forests in addressing the global challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.  Forest restoration and trees in lands outside forests also figure prominently in these debates. Yet billions of people live near forests and trees in rural areas worldwide, with many relying on these resources for their livelihoods.  What are the implications of the commitments that governments have made – to halt and reverse deforestation – for the rights, livelihoods, and wellbeing of those living in forest and tree-based landscapes? What new thinking and evidence exists to help advance knowledge and policy on this vital topic?  And what are key research priorities moving ahead? This special issue (SI) explores these questions by showcasing the latest research at the intersection of forests and livelihoods, broadly construed.

This SI invites contributions based on research presented at the 2022 FLARE Annual Meeting held in Rome as well as other current research on this topic. Thematic areas of particular interest include:

  • the implications of new international financial and policy commitments on forests for Indigenous Peoples and local communities; 
  • forests and trees in locally-led climate change adaptation;
  • agroforestry for sustainable food systems;
  • shifts and emerging trends in forest governance;
  • bioeconomy and innovation for sustainable forest transitions;
  • social justice in the context of forest conservation and reforestation;
  • religion, spirituality and forest livelihoods; and
  • advances in data and methods for analyzing forests and human wellbeing. 

Ida Djenontin (Penn State University), Anne Larson (CIFOR-ICRAF), and Daniel Miller (University of Notre Dame and FLARE Network) will serve as guest editors.

The deadline for full papers to be submitted for consideration is May 31, 2023.  Submissions will be handled through the journal and can be submitted below.

Submissions from junior scholars, scholar-practitioner collaborations, and authors from under-represented backgrounds are especially welcome.